Identity design: Exploring Public Views on Assisted Dying

Role: Art Direction, Designer

Category: Graphic Design, Identity design

Date: Jan- August 2024

I began this highly collaborative process with a co-design session. From there I understood that the outcome had to be sensitive to the topic, inclusive and clear. I used techniques such a style abstraction matrix and word association.

We decided to focus the design on the principles of discussion, deliberation and listening instead of on the topic of assisted dying itself.

The colours were very important aspect of this identity. With such a sensitive subject it was important to strike the right tone of neutrality and creating space for participants to bring their own views.

I developed a set of illustrations that could be used throughout the project for a range of assets including; stimulus materials, presentation templates and social media posts. The illustrations are focused on the importance of listening, seeing, hearing others during a citizen’s jury.

I also worked on the design of stimulus materials to be used by participants during the Jury. These helped convey key information to the jury for example what laws are in place in the UK and internationally. These followed the identity guidelines I set out.

Here is a link to the final report which includes some illustrations from the original guidelines and colours.


Me, you and the phone


The Care Game